
Worship & Services



Every sunday, 10.30am

A special service to celebrate 350 years of mission and ministry, held on 18 November 2012 Photograph: Michael N Jagessar

A special service to celebrate 350 years of mission and ministry, held on 18 November 2012 Photograph: Michael N Jagessar

Sunday service, 10.30am

We worship most Sunday mornings at 10.30am. Everyone is assured of a warm welcome, especially children. Occasionally there is a change but this will be found on our Welcome page. A communion service is held each month. We hold special services during the church year at Easter, Christmas and other occasions such as Remembrance Sunday. On Thursday mornings, a prayer meeting commences at 10.15am followed by coffee to which everyone is welcome.

The organ pipes soar above the pulpit. The organ by Maley, Young & Oldknow of London was installed in 1886 Photograph: Nick Robinson/Skinner Street URC

The organ pipes soar above the pulpit. The organ by Maley, Young & Oldknow of London was installed in 1886 Photograph: Nick Robinson/Skinner Street URC

Weddings and christenings

We understand it is fashionable these days to be married in trendier places than churches, but Skinner Street is still here, open to all – including those who have been divorced – who prefer to have a more traditional service and who value the meaning of Christian marriage as a basis for life shared with the person they love.

Photograph: Kate Gunstone

Photograph: Kate Gunstone

Many people of Poole have been christened at Skinner Street, as the 'Cradle Roll' at the back of the church testifies. Welcoming new people into the church is an act of faith which the United Reformed Church encourages. It is always special to welcome the sons and daughters of those who were themselves christened here as a new generation comes into the world.

Other services

Of course, we also host funerals at Skinner Street, as well as civic and school services and services for local businesses. This well known building continues to have a special place in the life of many people of Poole. 

Photograph: Nick Robinson/Skinner Street URC

Photograph: Nick Robinson/Skinner Street URC